The rapid movements in cardio kickboxing also improve Flexibility, Balance, and Coordination, and can help you build faster reflexes. Kickboxing is a Cardiovascular activity which can also burn between 350 and 450 calories per hour. Kickboxing is also an effective and great way to relieve stress and frustration.

Can you mind and body work together? Come and give it a kick to find out.

“I start my day with kickboxing practice and usually I’m in a good mood but if not I just punch and kick harder cause the only thing I can triumph over is myself”

By Mistty Sierra

Expressing yourself with Power and Speed in you. Kickboxing for Wellness is never just about kicking and punching, but aslo expressing oneself throught body movement by extending arms and legs, and delivering punches and kicks onto target. It is a total body and mind coordination in executing a set of sequential and planned movement.